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3 Simple Product Photography Mistakes

Published: abril 15th 2015

There are many variables involved in taking a professional product shot. While many of them are technical in nature like the camera settings, lighting and so forth, some are simple things that people forget. When shooting product, keep these basic ideas in mind:

Clean and Simple

Keep everything in the image clean and simple so that your product stands out. Adding additional objects, patterns and light sources may distract the customer’s eye. It’s best to photograph the product alone on a neutral or white background with the brand up front and clearly visible. Literally clean your product before shooting to eliminate any unwanted dust or unsightly items. Today’s cameras can see everything!


Multiple Angles

You want people to know what your product looks like, so give them the full view. Provide several images from a variety of angles. If the product has special features, place the item so that they are highlighted. Multiple shots from different angles can help the customer see the important product details and influence their online purchase decision. Providing a 360 degree view of your product and surely enhance the customer’s user experience.


Reflections and Shadows

Many products are reflective or cast shadows. This can complicate and slow down the product photography process. While problematic, these issues can and have to be overcome. Everyone agrees that a good product shot will sell more products. Thus, there is no room for bad images in eCommerce. How you choose to solve these issues and create web-ready photos is important. Unfortunately, many companies rely too heavily on image-editing and spend too long trying to correct bad pictures. A better way would be to control these variables during the photo shoot and minimize the amount of time spent editing.


At Ortery Technologies, we help companies take better product shots so they can present more impactful images online and make more sales. Our scalable product photography solutions for professional still, 360 and 3D product views accelerate and simplify product photography.