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Entrepreneur Magazine Reviews Ortery’s Photosimile 50

Published: agosto 17th 2011

Technology specialist Jonathan Blum reviews Photosimile 50 and highlights the practical benefits small businesses can gain by utlizing Photosimile 50 for eCommerce product photography. It’s always good to be recognized for your efforts. It’s even better when Entrepreneur Magazine reviews and recommends your products to all small businesses selling online.


Our customers have known this for years, Ortery’s Photosimile line of computer-controlled photography studios help companies save money AND take better pictures. By controlling the photography variables and streamlining the image capture workflow, product photography becomes simple, efficient and affordable. In addition to eCommerce, applications include quality control, product development, taking photos for daily business communication and more.

This independent review almost says it all. The only thing we would like to comment on is Jonathan’s statement – «Just make sure that if you make the investment, you either have the photo smarts or are willing to hire an expert to configure the system, to find a look that works.» We feel that finding a ‘look’ for your products ‘that works’ is a personal preference. With some experimentation, it can be easily defined and communicated to the employees taking the pictures using a Standard Operating Procedure. For example, all product shots will be taken at the following 4 angles, then use the studio to create the pictures to demonstrate the angles. Regarding system configuration, it truly is a system that anyone can use regardless of experience and should there ever be any issues, Ortery offers free technical support for the lifetime of the product. An Installation Guide, Photography Tips and a User Guide are also included in the package and our staff is always willing to walk new customers through their first few shots until they feel comfortable using the system.

Overall it’s an excellent article. We thank Entrepreneur Magazine for taking the time to evaluate our product and share their valuable results and opinions. If you would like to see a Photosimile studio in action: